You are download a MP3 songs for your MP3 player but you whenever using Internet for free music download. You know that whenever you sad by that type of things happen. But you hot get songs which you want in this article we giving a list of sites and this sites are checking by us and creating a list for you and in this site whichever songs or your favorite songs are available in that sites.
1. Last.fm
2. Mp3Skull.com
3. Allmusic.com
4. Songspk.name
5. Djmaza.info
6. Mymp3Song.com
7. Indiamp3.com
8. Hungama.com
9. Freemusicarchive.org
10. Songslover.pk
11. Mp3.com
12. Beemp3S.org
13. Mp3Truck.net
14. Ananmanan.lk
15. Hirutv.lk