High PR (Page Rank) Dofollow Web Directories Submissions Sites List

High PR Dofollow Web Directories Submissions Site List

Today, I'm sharing the List of Top Free High PR (Page Rank) DoFollow Web Directories sites with PR (Page Rank) and alexa rank. All of web directories are free and hope that this list will helpful and useful your blog/Website. Some of directories are instant approval and some of directories takes time getting approved. These backlinks helps us to increase the Google Page Rank of Blog/Website. I hope that this list will help you to grow the good quality backlink to your blog or website. Dofollow directory submission sites where you can easily submit your website or blog link without any cost and some directory sites.

S. No Website URL Page Rank Alexa Rank
1 dmoz.org 7 1813
2 lanic.utexas.edu 7 2040
3 networkedblogs.com 7 8203
4 sitepromotiondirectory.com 7 9398
5 highrankdirectory.com 7 9590
6 technorati.com 7 9806
7 abc-directory.com 7 11373
8 cyndislist.com 7 40308
9 traveltourismdirectory.net 7 40649
10 abc-directory.com 7 11373
11 blog.com 6 1512
12 scrubtheweb.com 6 5602
13 submissionwebdirectory.com 6 9886
14 usalistingdirectory.com 6 10372
15 siteswebdirectory.com 6 10570
16 marketinginternetdirectory.com 6 10582
17 promotebusinessdirectory.com 6 11841
18 ukinternetdirectory.net 6 12139
19 gmawebdirectory.com 6 12296
20 dizila.com 6 13819
21 britainbusinessdirectory.com 6 15456
22 blogs.botw.org 6 18926
23 blogtoplist.com 6 42686
24 blogrollcenter.com 6 43212
25 blog-directory.org 6 48603
26 globeofblogs.com 6 53211
27 elecdir.com 6 63712
28 marketinginternetdirectory.com/submit.php 5 10582
29 a1webdirectory.org 5 10634
30 somuch.com 5 12841
31 britainbusinessdirectory.com/submit.php 5 15456
32 obln.org 5 16010
33 ellysdirectory.com 5 20583
34 ananzi.co.za 5 22856
35 blogdigger.com 5 23850
36 splut.com 5 24219
37 bhanvad.com 5 24873
38 blogs-collection.com 5 33081
39 01webdirectory.com 5 33401
40 mygreencorner.com 5 36116
41 directory.r-tt.com 5 36621
42 blogflux.com 5 37669
43 joeant.com 5 39980
44 officialsearch.com 5 48047
45 bloggernity.com 5 50137
46 thecgisite.com 5 57861
47 findelio.com 5 67274
48 bloglisting.net 5 68849
49 armenianlinks.com 5 71563
50 321webmaster.com 5 81306
51 usalistingdirectory.com/submit.php 4 10372
52 gmawebdirectory.com/submit.php 4 12296
53 gainweb.org 4 12343
54 w3catalog.com 4 13293
55 1websdirectory.com 4 13322
56 onlinesociety.org 4 13573
57 ananar.com 4 14077
58 prolinkdirectory.com 4 14360
59 synergy-directory.com 4 15888
60 pegasusdirectory.com 4 16868
61 tsection.com 4 17041
62 directory-free.com 4 19226
63 elitesitesdirectory.com 4 19473
64 nonar.com 4 19487
65 businessseek.biz 4 21222
66 the-free-directory.co.uk 4 24863
67 free-url-submit.com 4 28411
68 linkcentre.com 4 34644
69 allfreethings.com 4 50388
70 topsiteswebdirectory.com 4 67794
71 fuelmyblog.com 4 76539
72 blogotion.webs.com 3 1447
73 directmylink.com 3 16338
74 wldirectory.com 3 17629
75 hotvsnot.com 3 18174
76 freedirectorysubmit.com 3 21112
77 voxcap.com 3 25550
78 usawebsitesdirectory.com 3 27824
79 freetoprankdirectory.com 3 29124
80 nexusdirectory.com 3 36075
81 packages-seo.com 3 37122
82 anaximanderdirectory.com 3 37821
83 hawkdirectory.com 3 42806
84 canadawebdir.com 3 43808
85 askdirectory.com 3 45849
86 submit-url.org 3 59383
87 infrasec-conf.org 3 65400
88 towebmaster.net 3 67895
89 blazewebdirectory.com 3 75061
90 gogreece.com 3 91380
91 addurl.nu 2 6480
92 abovealldirectory.com 2 32860
93 directoryworld.net 2 42316
94 linkslive.info 2 44216
95 cherasite.com 2 64241
96 littlewebdirectory.com 2 65417
97 dealdirectory.com 2 66459
98 linkteve.com 1 38066
99 textlinkdirectory.com 1 66309
100 callyourcountry.com 1 72173
Incoming Search Terms : Free Top DoFollow Web Directories Submissions Sites List, DoFollow Web Directories Submissions Sites List, High PR (Page Rank) DoFollow Web Directories Submissions Sites List, High Page Rank Web Directories Submissions Sites List, DoFollow Web Directory Submissions Sites List For SEO

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  1. I think, its one of the completed list of top directories. I could see many high PR directories from this post.

    I wonder if you can include these two web directories on your post.

    SubmitLinkURL PR4 dofollow
    PuppyURL PR4 dofollow

    Both are google PR 4 and general free web directories. Submission types: Free, reciprocal, paid, bulk submission and fast approval dofollow web directory. No registration required.

    For me, I could suggest the human reviewed and approved directory instead of auto instant approval.

    Thank you for sharing the directories list.
