Social bookmarking allow you to specifically target what you want to see. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks chronologically, by category or keyword, or via a search engine. Many social bookmarking sites provide web feeds for their lists of bookmarks, including lists organized by category or keyword. This allows subscribers to become aware of new bookmarks as they are shared, saved, and tagged by other users. It also helps to promote your website/blog by networking with other social book markers and collaborating with each other. Furthermore, since social bookmarking generates high quality backlinks, social bookmark link generating services are used by some webmasters in an attempt to improve their website/blog rankings in search engine results pages.
Here is my Top Most Popular Social Bookmarking Websites
1. Facebook.com
2. Twitter.com
3. Plus.google.com
4. Reddit.com
5. Pinterest.com
6. Tumblr.com
7. Stumbleupon.com
8. Digg.com
9. Scoop.it
10. Weheartit.com
11. Slashdot.org
12. Delicious.com
13. Diigo.com
14. Folkd.com
15. Metafilter.com